Showcase Your Artisan Skills
at the Sasol Techno X Skills Village
Sasol Techno X 2023 presents an exciting opportunity for artisans and artisan companies like yours to shine and showcase your exceptional skills to a diverse audience. At Sasol, we recognize the critical role artisan skills play in numerous industries, making them an integral part of growing national and local economies.
While not all visitors to Sasol Techno X aspire to become engineers, many are still deeply interested in pursuing technical careers. That’s why we believe that artisans hold immense value in our workforce. In fact, for every engineer employed at Sasol, we require approximately 16 skilled artisans, underscoring the high demand for your expertise.
By participating in Sasol Techno X 2023, you can actively contribute to the improvement of youth employability and inspire the next generation of artisans. Our dedicated Skills Village serves as a platform to showcase the breadth and depth of artisan training possibilities, presenting your company as a reputable institution in the field.
Take advantage of the unique opportunity to engage with a wide range of visitors, industry experts, and potential collaborators. Set up your exhibition at the Skills Centre and captivate attendees with live demonstrations, innovative techniques, and hands-on experiences that highlight your craftsmanship.
We believe that by exhibiting in our Skills Village, you can play a pivotal role in inspiring and empowering young minds to consider technical careers. Your expertise and passion can help cultivate excitement among future generations about the possibilities offered by STEM disciplines, fostering a pipeline of skilled professionals who will contribute to the growth of industries and economies.